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Review Scores




HAL Laboratory



Release Dates

06/10/16 Nintendo
04/28/16 Nintendo
06/10/16 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 11
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Kirby: Planet Robobot (3DS) > Opinions (7)

Machina posted 05/08/2023, 12:00
+30k for all of 2022.

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fedfed posted 27/01/2017, 12:01
1 mil
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boypita posted 27/10/2016, 12:28
1.08M WW as of 30th september :)
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leedlelee posted 11/09/2016, 05:27
Those European sales are actually pretty typical for a Kirby game...
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boypita posted 24/08/2016, 07:11
What´s wrong with Europe? D:
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Poliwrathlord posted 28/07/2016, 06:15
This game deserves twice the sales it has. Great game.
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xboxonefan posted 31/05/2016, 10:52
Sold 200k in Japan only not bad
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Shipping Total

1,640,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (7)

Machina posted 05/08/2023, 12:00
+30k for all of 2022.

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fedfed posted 27/01/2017, 12:01
1 mil
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boypita posted 27/10/2016, 12:28
1.08M WW as of 30th september :)
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leedlelee posted 11/09/2016, 05:27
Those European sales are actually pretty typical for a Kirby game...
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boypita posted 24/08/2016, 07:11
What´s wrong with Europe? D:
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Poliwrathlord posted 28/07/2016, 06:15
This game deserves twice the sales it has. Great game.
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