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Other Versions

All, PS3, X360

Release Dates

10/25/11 Electronic Arts
11/02/11 Electronic Arts
10/28/11 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 117
Favorite: 14
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 20

Avg Community Rating:



In Battlefield 3, players step into the role of the elite U.S. Marines. As the first boots on the ground, players will experience heart-pounding missions across diverse locations including Paris, Tehran and New York. As a U.S. Marine in the field, periods of tension and anticipation are punctuated by moments of complete chaos. As bullets whiz by, as walls crumble, as explosions force players to the ground, the battlefield feels more alive and interactive than ever before.


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Game Information Updated oliist 04th Feb 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 24th Oct 2009
Release Date Added to Database oliist 24th Oct 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 24th Oct 2009
Game Added to Database zexen_lowe 11th Jun 2009

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (62)

1 n/a 250,671 287,633 146,259 684,563
2 n/a 79,413 117,160 56,174 252,747
3 n/a 25,414 42,655 19,980 88,049
4 n/a 14,435 42,624 18,037 75,096
5 n/a 17,207 32,851 14,694 64,752
6 n/a 14,932 40,445 17,215 72,592
7 n/a 15,222 48,577 20,163 83,962
8 n/a 15,209 43,070 18,146 76,425
9 n/a 20,979 52,958 22,780 96,717
10 n/a 13,716 29,862 9,516 53,094
Noodlefighter posted 24/12/2011, 06:03
Your stupid for actually thinking making consoles the lead would make it sell as much as CoD. You do realize the difference between CoD and battlefield? CoD is a game that everyone and their grandmother can play and call themselves "pro" Battlefield is a game where you don't jump around everywhere doing "No scopes".
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led9010 posted 15/12/2011, 04:22
The right audience cannot be decided by fags like you. Battlefield 3 looks better on PC then it ever could on consoles even if it would have been built on the consoles first. You're kidding yourself if you think building for consoles is the way to go. Everything is not judged monetarily. By making the game for PC first they have created a quality product and sold 9 million copies. That they could have sold more is irrelevant. They sold around 9 million copies of the game and still managed to make a quality game, one which Modern Warfare 3 is not, despite selling more than 12 million copies
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nilli posted 14/12/2011, 07:56
It all about catering the right crowd. Make a shitty engine for consoles and you will pay in the millions.
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led9010 posted 10/12/2011, 01:52
hahaa NILLI its not about the engines, its about the game. And looking at the sales on 360 i really have to say consolites have really bad tastes
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Guovssohas posted 09/12/2011, 04:24
And btw, this 950k, is it only physical games sold? Not counting Origin sales?
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Guovssohas posted 09/12/2011, 04:21
Lookin' good so far :) What does extrapolated mean?
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