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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Tearaway: Hagareta Sekai no Daibouken

Tearaway ~はがれた世界の大冒険~


Media Molecule



Release Dates

11/22/13 Sony Computer Entertainment America
12/05/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/22/13 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe

Community Stats

Owners: 32
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


"The happiest game on Earth."

By Brent Galietti 15th Dec 2013 | 6,193 views 
Read full review 


Embark on a unique adventure from the creative minds behind LittleBigPlanet™ with your new friend, the adventurous IOTA or the intrepid ATOI — a papercraft messenger from another dimension with a unique message to deliver — to you!

Source: Sony

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Screenshot Added RedKingXIII 18th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added RedKingXIII 18th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added RedKingXIII 18th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added RedKingXIII 18th Mar 2019
Screenshot Added RedKingXIII 18th Mar 2019
Game Information Updated Masked_Muchaco 24th Sep 2018
Release Date Added to Database Masked_Muchaco 24th Sep 2018
Boxart Added RedKingXIII 14th Apr 2018
Boxart Added RedKingXIII 14th Apr 2018
Game Information Updated RedKingXIII 12th Apr 2018
Game Summary added to Database RedKingXIII 12th Apr 2018
Game Information Updated XD84 03rd Jan 2018
Game Banner Added to Database okr 02nd Jan 2018
Boxart Added okr 02nd Jan 2018

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (62)

1 n/a 11,336 25,710 12,231 49,277
2 n/a 4,954 24,093 8,842 37,889
3 n/a 4,266 31,635 10,575 46,476
4 n/a 4,556 25,375 9,008 38,939
5 n/a 9,840 28,004 12,164 50,008
6 n/a 10,508 21,430 10,684 42,622
7 n/a 3,222 11,936 4,734 19,892
8 n/a 1,749 7,001 2,712 11,462
9 n/a 1,328 6,923 2,496 10,747
10 n/a 1,144 4,948 1,875 7,967
Dr.Vita posted 20/01/2016, 01:35
This game deserves so much better sales... :/
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Kresnik posted 29/10/2015, 11:07
Because it didn't chart on Media Create or Famitsu so VGC had no reference for numbers.

This is what it had sold by the end of 2013: 4,229.
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Darwinianevolution posted 29/06/2015, 07:04
How is it that we don't have the japanese numbers for this title?
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fluky-nintendy posted 12/08/2014, 07:06
Looks like someone was wrong ^^
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hunter_alien posted 29/06/2014, 02:50
Wow... so many calls for multiplatform release... do people know how this game is played? In no way this could work on anything else BUT the vita... :|
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fluky-nintendy posted 16/06/2014, 05:06
They really should port some Vita exclusives to PS3 or even PS4. Some games really deserve to be recognized and this one is one of those games. Cmon Sony!
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