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Alternative Names

バイオニック コマンドー





Other Versions

PS3, NES, GB, PC, All

Release Dates

05/19/09 Capcom
06/25/09 Capcom
05/22/09 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 57
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

375,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (37)

GERMANIA_FORMA posted 09/05/2012, 11:32
A great game and the best title of the series. I loves the classic MP story and I love the MP even more. What a great, new classic!
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pokeclaudel posted 11/05/2011, 08:42
I saw this game for 5 bucks.... I still didn't want to risk it. I was so excited when I heard they were making this game but I new it wouldn't sell after the first trailer. If they can't even get the character model right how could they get the gameplay right?
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SHMUPGurus posted 23/04/2010, 04:36
Rawnchie14 - Who are you and how do you know he played the game? Maybe he was just saying it sucked because of the sales? And we all know sales = quality right?... ;)
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Mr Puggsly posted 31/03/2010, 05:54
Well I just finished this game and it wasn't half bad. One of my favorite Capcom games this gen.
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Rawnchie14 posted 02/02/2010, 04:23
SHMUP - why would you finish a game you don't like? Really nice logic. This game blew so hard that it blew GRIN out of video game development. Capisce?
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gansito posted 13/09/2009, 06:38
i like this game, its a fun solid action game. Plays and feel like bionic commando and thats what matters.
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