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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

ニンテンドックス プラス キャッツ


Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

03/27/11 Nintendo
02/26/11 Nintendo
03/25/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 44
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

4,690,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (59)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 12:10
+10k in all of 2022.

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Olivernintentoal posted 03/02/2016, 03:15
Officially 3.96 million as of Dec. 31
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atma998 posted 08/07/2014, 02:12
Now at 3.36M. Only sold 1 million for the past two years... At this rate 5 million will be hard to reach!
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leedlelee posted 13/02/2014, 12:55
I can't help but wonder how this game would have done had it not been a launch title...
The game/console released with no buzz, and it's intended audience was unaware of its existence...
How might things have turned out if this title was released now???
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Salnax posted 21/10/2013, 11:57
Now ahead of Ocarina of Time 3D! This just keeps on selling modest numbers.
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Salnax posted 30/04/2013, 07:22
Oh, this game's still selling. Decently in fact It should hit 3 million in a week or two. Not bad for a mediocrely received launch title, albeit one of a renowned series. Hell, it might reach 4 million someday if legs remain constant.
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