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Review Scores



Alternative Names






Release Dates

03/19/13 Capcom
12/10/11 Capcom
03/22/13 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 39
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 9

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

2,600,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (87)

ExplodingBlock posted 07/09/2014, 10:16
Outsold the Wii version
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Krast posted 26/10/2013, 10:57
Great game but incredibly hard to get into for newcomers like me
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leedlelee posted 03/09/2013, 09:22
I live in New York...
The Bronx, to be more specific...
I too see a lot of ACNL and Awakening...
I was seeing a lot of Dark Moon for a while, but that seems to have mostly passed...
If I had to rank them, it would be ACNL, then MHTriU, and then FE Awakening...
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atma998 posted 17/07/2013, 04:39

I'm from Montreal and I see a lot of people playing this game through StreetPass, along with Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem too. 2.19M is still really good number tough even if only 0.14M in NA as of now...
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oniyide posted 16/07/2013, 05:22
@leelelee where the hell do you live? Because i swear i was going to post the SaME THING. everyone is either playing this, Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing
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leedlelee posted 03/06/2013, 06:37
I feel like this game has to be undertracked in the US...
The number of Streetpasses I've had with people playing this game is absurd...
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