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Review Scores



Alternative Names



Bethesda Game Studios



Other Versions

All, NS, PC, PS3

Release Dates

11/11/11 Bethesda Softworks
12/08/11 Bethesda Softworks
11/11/11 Bethesda Softworks

Community Stats

Owners: 211
Favorite: 39
Tracked: 12
Wishlist: 15
Now Playing: 35

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (152)

1 n/a 1,120,360 432,275 270,128 1,822,763
2 n/a 286,626 181,227 86,288 554,141
3 n/a 230,070 110,494 61,236 401,800
4 n/a 133,226 103,788 45,097 282,111
5 37,741 174,936 198,374 73,168 484,219
6 9,353 243,940 194,779 82,943 531,015
7 5,515 329,946 133,511 81,476 550,448
8 2,386 131,248 72,699 30,475 236,808
9 2,167 59,021 29,673 13,253 104,114
10 1,138 48,178 19,368 10,093 78,777
StreaK posted 03/09/2016, 10:03
I expect this game to sell another 10 million when the remaster on PS4/X1 comes out.
They will be perfect versions.
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StreaK posted 23/07/2016, 10:54
Uhh, it IS the best-selling rpg of all-time. It surely is not FFVII, which used to be. But that game only sold like 9-10 million copies on PS1. Skyrim has sold 20 million across 3 platforms (Xbox360, PS3 and PC)
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mongolianbob posted 29/12/2012, 06:50
an outstanding feat this game is amazing on the level of complete freedom of exploration only that compares is maybe GTA and minecraft in terms of freedom. Only complaints are the lack of any gear or item depth and the skill progression is funky and makes the game way too easy as you can have 1 character mastering everything which is a bore once you get past lvl 50. 9.7/10
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enrageorange posted 25/12/2012, 01:58
Will be above 7mil by the end of the year. It is very possible that it will pass 8mil lifetime. The legs of this game put most other hd games to shame considering this doesn't have any bundles that get counted towards sales.
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Ganoncrotch posted 07/09/2012, 03:57
aye Iveyboi, ever since the original xbox had a really nice port of morrowwind on it the xbox has had a fair bit of Elder scrolls love, ontop of that you have the DLC being released first for the 360.... then a month or 2 later on the pc and now it looks like not at all on the ps3. so yeah good reason to own this on the 360.
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Iveyboi posted 01/08/2012, 02:13
Wow didn't realize how much this sold on
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