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Ninja Theory



Other Versions

PC, X360

Release Dates

01/15/13 Capcom
01/17/13 Capcom
01/15/13 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 24
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (248)

1 112,406 92,770 48,916 39,683 293,775
2 30,720 16,363 18,305 8,606 73,994
3 15,123 8,145 9,387 4,329 36,984
4 7,156 5,406 4,740 2,626 19,928
5 3,959 2,947 4,775 1,795 13,476
6 1,945 1,602 4,167 1,236 8,950
7 1,592 1,333 2,688 899 6,512
8 1,184 1,317 2,867 924 6,292
9 1,021 1,152 2,390 789 5,352
10 1,024 1,102 1,941 697 4,764
A203D posted 28/05/2016, 09:02
@AgentRedgrave: Now your denying what you already admitted? Embarassed much. Its over, DMC4 featured your precious automatic lock-on and it was awful. DmC used a true manual lock-on far superior to automatic lock-on. Deal with it.
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AgentRedgrave posted 07/03/2016, 09:48
I never admitted anything. And as I said, Capcom themselves debunked your statement.
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A203D posted 01/03/2016, 01:23
@AgentRedgrave. You already admitted that DMC4 was using automatic lock-on, and that DmC was using a true manual lock-on. How does lying about Hideaki Itusno now change that? How does it change that DMC4 is using an automatic lock-on? How does it change DMC4 Donte is not Dante? How does it change DMC4's slow, clunky gameplay mechanics? Let me guess you refuse to answer for the way DMC4 butchered the series yet again...
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AgentRedgrave posted 24/11/2015, 02:03
@A203D Not according to Capcom, when they stated DmC's lock on was automatic, and the one added in the DE (Like the ones the previous games had) was manual
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A203D posted 28/05/2015, 09:01
Its actually the previous games using automatic lock-on, this was the first game of the series to use the manual lock-on.
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[PACT] posted 15/05/2015, 03:11
Damn, this comment section. Two years of animosity and salt. Sheesh...
OT: Decent numbers for the most hated game of last gen. I really loved the soundtrack, level design, weapons and the flow/pacing of the game. But no 60fps, no manual lock-on and no aggressive enemy AI held this game back from it's fullest potential. (Fixed in the Definitive Edition though...)
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