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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Nintendō Rando






Release Dates

11/18/12 Nintendo
12/08/12 Nintendo
11/30/12 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 89
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 7

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

5,210,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2022

Opinion (24)

b00moscone posted 07/12/2015, 09:48
Europe's third Wii U million seller!
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:32
Nintendo says 5.00m as of september 30.
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b00moscone posted 06/09/2015, 07:02
Even though this is undertracked, it should reach 5m.
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garretslarrity posted 29/07/2015, 05:46
Nintendo has confirmed that Nintendo Land has sold (shipped + digital) 4.88M as of June 30, 2015.
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tbone51 posted 29/01/2015, 02:07
4.44mil Shipped as of Jan 3rd. God damn, 5mil here it comes!
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gcube2000 posted 25/11/2014, 07:20
This game sold well mainly because it was bundled. But it has amazing mutiplayer and meh single player.
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