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id Software



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PS3, X360

Release Dates

10/04/11 Bethesda Softworks
10/27/11 Square Enix
10/07/11 Bethesda Softworks

Community Stats

Owners: 25
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Rage (PC) > Opinions (27)

thewastedyouth posted 02/11/2012, 10:48
DAMN, holy crap Skyrim and DEUS EX have sold wayyyyyyy more on PC

id Software, how the mighty have fallen. Today they are just another studio owned by Zenimax!!!
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clos2 posted 10/12/2011, 04:44
haha nilli is so stupid, carmack already said doom 4 will be pc lead and you know why? cause he was stupid to belive hat consoles were ore powerful than pcs and never looked into the future. He wont be making tha tmistake agian, i can guarantee you. Nilli has gotten owned in every single aspect of his retarded arguments on every wall. He cant handle it. Just give up son, go play with your pad. Ive proven to you countless times that indie gaming does better on PC, that pc gaming is more than alive thanks to stea, DD, and developers that care. You sir, have nothing but a strawman arguemnt on piracy, which you continue to use as your main argument. What you dont realize is that we are still getting pc games and 2012 is gonna be even better for pc and you relaly think pc gaming is daying when 2011 and 2012 have only just been proof thats its only getting better, howeve you are too blind ad stupid to even admit that, instantly making all your arguments invalid cause you dont even have the facts straight, instead you opinionate and try ot make us believe your opijnions are facts, when in reality, theyre nothing else but trolling and made up facts about what YOU think and not about the reality of the market, which btw you CLEARLY know nothing of, otherwise you wouldnt be saying the stupid shit you say. You are stuck in 2001, sucks for you. Merry xmas from the PC community.
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led9010 posted 20/11/2011, 12:42
Haha Nilli, you talk as if either of the console versions sold well. It had sad numbers on the consoles as well.
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nilli posted 10/11/2011, 11:35
Doom 4 will never ever have pc as the lead. They are just talking so that little cry babies like yourself could sleep at night.
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Noodlefighter posted 04/11/2011, 12:41
Uh Yes I believe it and the crap you pulled out was from years ago and only till now they've brought it up again as an excuse for their mistakes on the PC version at launch. At E3 he specifically said that Doom 4 PC will be the lead. They've already sacrificed the 60fps they achieved with Rage for better visuals and more AI on screen with 30fps in singleplayer. That's already one of the signs. Neither do you have any idea what steam makes from games so I guess you should STFU up too :)
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nilli posted 02/11/2011, 07:05
Sales are terrible. Weaker with each passing year. PCs are being replaced as we speak.
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nilli posted 01/11/2011, 10:04
You do know that John Carmack said that pc's will never again be the leading platform for games. Do you? That is the honest truth. You freaking moron really expect that doom 4 will be made and pc will be the lead,. You are a joke. Oh and again you have no idea how much steam takes from games so STFU.
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Noodlefighter posted 30/10/2011, 08:47
"They focused on pc because dice don't know how to make games run smoothly on consoles and that is why they sell fractonion of the games that the Call of duty series sells." Oh Really? Show me a game on consoles that is Advance as Battlefield 3 and runs at 60fps? The only reason CoD runs so well is because it's graphics and physics are very simple and uses a outdated engine. Nope was developed mainly with consoles in mine even John Carmack has said it they're going to show off the ID Tech 5 engine at it's fullest with Doom 4 on PC. "Yep in digital sales steam takes away what they would have saved on packagingn, logistics and shelve space LOL!" Where did you pull that out of, never has a developer have complained about Steam or any other DD demanding more than retail, they've made it pretty obvious that Digital Distribution is going to be leading the way with PC and consoles coming behind later and trying to copy it. Where is your evidence/source of Hard Reset selling like shit (by the developers standards and budget) since the game is practically digital only. Flying Wild Hog pretty much made it clear that they aren't trying to get high sales in a short term but rather high sales in a long term. They made it obvious by revealing the game and hyping it 2 months before release while most developers and publishers would do it in a much longer time span. Digital sales do make up the majority or at least half of most games. "Oh and by the way can you show me the exact numbers super meatboy sold? No you cant so you have absoltely no idea what you are talking about." You have no idea what your talking about since you don't have the exact 100% number of games sold on PC to dismiss it as dead and etc.
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magekyou posted 29/10/2011, 05:34
And yet, Developers continue releasing their game on pc.
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nilli posted 27/10/2011, 06:32
No battlefield 3 will sell more on consoles. They focused on pc because dice don't know how to make games run smoothly on consoles and that is why they sell fractonion of the games that the Call of duty series sells. Rage tried to focus on every platform and didn't had just a shitty multiplayer so everybody just pirated the game on pc. You can't pirate battlefield 3 unless you want to play on some shitty servers. About super meat boy. It is funny how all you people get the one example you can possibly find. Super meatboy creators were angry with Microsoft since they felt like they didn't get the support and marketing they deserved. well nobody buys the game anymore since it is free on pc. Oh and by the way can you show me the exact numbers super meatboy sold? No you cant so you have absoltely no idea what you are talking about.
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zingerman posted 26/10/2011, 05:23
so rage failed hard on all platforms and all due to the fact that they focused on consoles, sad indeed. Now look at BF3, they focused on PC and it's gonna their best selling game ever, eat shit :)
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zingerman posted 26/10/2011, 05:22
remeber super meat boy, the game that got stellar rewievs on x360, and they released it on PC and the sales went double just in a few weeks compared to xbox total sales, now that's a fail. Just goes to show that good games sell like hot cakes on PC :) again, you fail.
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nilli posted 21/10/2011, 12:45
sorry by hardcopy i meant hardreset. Also check Limbo where the devs said they wanted to avoid the pc release at the beginning because the piracy would have destroyed the sales even on 360. If a game is single player game it is doomed on pc unless you make a great game with less than 10 developers who get paid next to nothing. Even then you would have sold 10 times more copies on consoles.
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nilli posted 21/10/2011, 12:43
Yep in digital sales steam takes away what they would have saved on packagingn, logistics and shelve space LOL! Not to mention they usually sell degital downloads cheaper than the hardcopies. Again you freaking moron. Multiplayer games have hope on pc since those are almost impossible to pirate if you want to play the multiplayer component. That is a HUGE part of terraria. Check games like hardcopy sold like SHIT on pc.. Rage sold like shit on pc because the paying customers are on consoles end of story. What ever excuse your little pc fanboy brain can come up with does noe explain how shit this game sold on pc. If this game would have been the best game ever it would have sold little more on pc but the gab between console and pc would have been even greater. Just check games like Batman or mass effect. Those are great games and the gab is even bigger you moron.
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zingerman posted 20/10/2011, 09:15
Digital sales brings way more revenue to the publisher, no packaging, logistics, shelve space and so on. So even if they sell less, they actually profit quite well, whereas on consoles, the publisher and dev get about 12 dollar each per game, now that's pathetic. Terraria didn;t need no retail release, because it's already boomed, bringing millions in profits for such a small team of devs, talk about PC piracy, eh? So it's pretty obvious DD sales are huge on PC nowadays and since digital distributors don't release their sales figures to public, you can only imagine the real numbers the PC version got. This game sold shitty, because id thought they could make a console game and get away with it, but guess what, if you turned your back on those who made you, in this case PC gamers, this is what you get, it sold like shit on all platforms, and that's all id's fault. 6 years inthe making and turned out to be nothing but a console game :(
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nilli posted 19/10/2011, 09:51
Digital sales DO NOT MAKE THE MAJORITY OF SALES. Resent studies show that digital sales have just surpassed the retail. Those digital sales include EVERY possible game pc game. Im talking about games like Terraria that never see retail relese. Games like witcher 2 did not even get half its sales from digital and they own GOG and were pushing the game hard through steam. So what the FU** makes you think that majority of rage sales came through digital you imbesil. This game sold like CRAP ON PC JUST LIKE EVERY SINGLE MULTIPLATFORM TITLE. Goes to show you ID software did the right decision by focusing on consooles.
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modify posted 18/10/2011, 07:14
You realize digital sales, which make up the majority of pc sales now, aren't included in these figures, right? I'm sure the console versions still outsold, but pc sales figures everywhere are extremely innaccurate.
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nilli posted 17/10/2011, 07:43
CMOYNAO even you went speechless. Look at these laughable pc sale numbers. Buhahah pc gaming is done and even ID Software admitted it.
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cmoyano posted 16/10/2011, 05:53
haha nilli thnks we care about Rage. Rage its such an epic fail, not even 1 million sales for such hype. I bet nilli bought it believig it was the greatest game ever made just like he thinks COD is the greatest shooter ever made. Nilli, imma go spa, on your wall again you living abortion!
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zingerman posted 14/10/2011, 11:26
haha serves id right for making such poor console games on PC, when will devs learn if you wanna be great on you gotta give them some quality, look at valve, make portal 2 - sell best on PC :D
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_mevildan posted 14/10/2011, 05:44
@nilli Do you realise you are the definition of an internet troll? Anyway, I am not trying to say the Steam copies mean it outsold the console versions if that is what you mean. I mean it was #1 on Steam pre-orders. Simultaneous players means nothing, because you have to be signed in to steam for that to register. My brother and I both have PC copies and are always offline. LULZ?
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nilli posted 14/10/2011, 06:23
Buhahaha.big pre orders on Steam. You have no idea what those numbers are do you? I can tell you that they are barely getting 10K simultaneous players on steam and this game uses steam works so that means also many of the people who bought the retail veersion. This game sold like shit through steam also and don't try to tell me how good it sold with those shitty numbers.
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_mevildan posted 13/10/2011, 07:22
@nilli PC sales were never going to be much better than this. But don't be too excited. Game had big pre-orders on Steam and EMEEA sales only include 2 days here...
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nilli posted 11/10/2011, 09:49
Muhahaha horrendous sales on pc once again. Guess I can keep on posting :D Well it wasn't really fair since every single multiplatform game sells like shit on pc...
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nilli posted 09/10/2011, 07:10
ID software has already admited that pc games are not seliling like they used to and reasons were people moving to consoles and piracy. Last comment from them were that pc will never again be a lead platform because the cutomer base is shit when compared to consoles. HAHAHAHA. If Rage sells most units on pc I will never write another comment. HAHAHAH ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST PC HAS NOTHING ANYMORE. Developers are not morons they know where their money comes from.
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cmoyano posted 08/10/2011, 05:15
here comes nilli, the secret pc lover who is too much of a fag to admit it. Nobody cares bout rage on pc son, go get a life. The game is atrocious. We dont really cae for ID either way, since we know DOOM 4 will have auto aim for noobs like you. Imma go spam on your wall now and harass you.
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nilli posted 06/10/2011, 06:39
Just wait for the horrendous pc sales. Id software should stop making pc releases. Piracy will rip this game apart.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (27)

1 n/a 29,827 19,325 9,288 58,440
2 n/a 7,590 6,613 2,787 16,990
3 n/a 3,834 2,217 1,127 7,178
4 n/a 2,819 2,519 1,276 6,614
5 n/a 1,756 2,411 1,080 5,247
6 n/a 1,604 3,800 1,529 6,933
7 n/a 2,029 2,113 1,020 5,162
8 n/a 2,550 2,141 1,108 5,799
9 n/a 2,267 8,691 3,568 14,526
10 n/a 3,128 10,265 4,331 17,724
thewastedyouth posted 02/11/2012, 10:48
DAMN, holy crap Skyrim and DEUS EX have sold wayyyyyyy more on PC

id Software, how the mighty have fallen. Today they are just another studio owned by Zenimax!!!
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clos2 posted 10/12/2011, 04:44
haha nilli is so stupid, carmack already said doom 4 will be pc lead and you know why? cause he was stupid to belive hat consoles were ore powerful than pcs and never looked into the future. He wont be making tha tmistake agian, i can guarantee you. Nilli has gotten owned in every single aspect of his retarded arguments on every wall. He cant handle it. Just give up son, go play with your pad. Ive proven to you countless times that indie gaming does better on PC, that pc gaming is more than alive thanks to stea, DD, and developers that care. You sir, have nothing but a strawman arguemnt on piracy, which you continue to use as your main argument. What you dont realize is that we are still getting pc games and 2012 is gonna be even better for pc and you relaly think pc gaming is daying when 2011 and 2012 have only just been proof thats its only getting better, howeve you are too blind ad stupid to even admit that, instantly making all your arguments invalid cause you dont even have the facts straight, instead you opinionate and try ot make us believe your opijnions are facts, when in reality, theyre nothing else but trolling and made up facts about what YOU think and not about the reality of the market, which btw you CLEARLY know nothing of, otherwise you wouldnt be saying the stupid shit you say. You are stuck in 2001, sucks for you. Merry xmas from the PC community.
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led9010 posted 20/11/2011, 12:42
Haha Nilli, you talk as if either of the console versions sold well. It had sad numbers on the consoles as well.
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nilli posted 10/11/2011, 11:35
Doom 4 will never ever have pc as the lead. They are just talking so that little cry babies like yourself could sleep at night.
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Noodlefighter posted 04/11/2011, 12:41
Uh Yes I believe it and the crap you pulled out was from years ago and only till now they've brought it up again as an excuse for their mistakes on the PC version at launch. At E3 he specifically said that Doom 4 PC will be the lead. They've already sacrificed the 60fps they achieved with Rage for better visuals and more AI on screen with 30fps in singleplayer. That's already one of the signs. Neither do you have any idea what steam makes from games so I guess you should STFU up too :)
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nilli posted 02/11/2011, 07:05
Sales are terrible. Weaker with each passing year. PCs are being replaced as we speak.
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