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id Software



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Release Dates

10/04/11 Bethesda Softworks
10/06/11 Bethesda Softworks
10/07/11 Bethesda Softworks

Community Stats

Owners: 58
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Rage (X360) > Opinions (57)

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busbfran posted 07/06/2013, 02:49
one of the best game ever made!
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thewastedyouth posted 04/04/2013, 05:40
It may be that all id Software got from Zenimax was...
( •_•)>⌐■-■

It's Doom.

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Mr Puggsly posted 18/03/2013, 03:51
I think this would have actually been a better game if they just focused on making a shooter. There should be no open world. Its empty and boring to explore. Car battling could have been levels and cutscenes could have been used to move the story along.

Basically, this would have made a great linear shooter like other id games.
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GERMANIA_FORMA posted 09/05/2012, 02:41
The only thing I don't like is the abrupt ending. Every other aspect of this game is just plain awesome. I rate it 9.5
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Emme posted 14/04/2012, 08:12
RAGE looks first real beautiful, then You discover that its very static and lifeless, with less than average action moments.The art direction and design is superb, but its more of a virtual walkthrough through that world, due to very rare and limited physics, baked lighting etc.
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Mad55 posted 13/04/2012, 02:33
No idea it did mil on 360 or ps3
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Mr Puggsly posted 30/03/2012, 05:13
This game hit the bargain bin fast. Its already $20 at some retailers and even less online. It only been on the market for about 6 months.
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Squeakthedragon posted 29/01/2012, 04:59
Comparing Rage to western RPGs is misleading. Sadly, thanks to the stereotype of such games, now any game that appears to have an open field will be compared to Fallout 3. Rage is not an RPG. The open fields are small, compact, and serve only to connect the action areas. The game's only real weakness is that it is indeed rushed in the final stretch and suffers an abrupt end - which seems to be a hallmark of western games. But taken as an arcade shooter with mild exploration elements, it's just about the only serious run at the style made in some years. Thanks to the WRPG fad, plenty of people are going to buy it and be unhappy that it's not Fallout 4.
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Mr Puggsly posted 23/01/2012, 07:00
@ Squeakthedragon - The problem with Rage is it feels too shallow. It has an open world but there is little to explore. Driving and walking around towns was actually a burden because the gun play was the only fun aspect of the game. Everyone will agree multiplayer was a letdown. I think Rage has the potential to become a popular IP if they expand on the WRPG elements. As is though, Rage is a hard game to recommend.
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reviniente posted 12/01/2012, 06:06
Squeakthedragon speaks the truth. RAGE is a vintage, meaty FPS experience. The racing, a sweet bonus.
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Squeakthedragon posted 11/01/2012, 03:24
Rage is actually the best SINGLE player FPS of the last decade. Better than Doom 3, or Call of Duty corridor shooters. Sadly, people expected something that would change the world. Rage changes how games are made, but not how they're played. Id focused on just making an incredibly solid game.
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cars298 posted 09/11/2011, 08:29
A deadly game
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Mr Puggsly posted 30/10/2011, 03:00
@ DakonBlackblade - Uhhh... no. Only a small percentage of computers can handle a game like Rage. The typical PC owners are not buying high end video cards. I'm able to play high end games on my crappy PC thanks to OnLive.
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DakonBlackblade posted 29/10/2011, 09:18
@zingerman sorry dude but PCs arent mainstream ? What ? Half the world population owns at elast a half decent PC that could play Rage or most games at least on the very low quality. Yet these ppl prefer to play games on home consoles. I for once own a very good PC (I5, GTX 470, 8 gigs RAM) and yet I prefer to paly almost everything on my PS3, I only play some select games and the exclusives (like Witcher 2 wich is probably the best RPG I played this year, tied with Dark Souls) on my PC.
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Mr Puggsly posted 29/10/2011, 04:28
In retrospect, change "decade" with about 5 years. PC gaming was still pretty strong around 2005-2006.
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Mr Puggsly posted 29/10/2011, 04:23
I didn't even suggest sales determine better games. PC is very mainstream, but playing high end games on a PC is far more complicated than using a console. When you say PC gaming is more profitable you're looking at PC gaming as a whole, such as browser games and MMOs. Yet if you compare traditional games like what we see on consoles, the PC is struggling there for numerous reasons. PC gamers just need to accept the type of games that thrive on console can't survive on the PC. A decade ago, a game like Rage would have sold really well on the PC. But fans of games like this have shifted to consoles.
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zingerman posted 28/10/2011, 08:44
And still, do those sales instantly make the games better? Of course there's going to be a difference in PC vs consoles sales most of the time; consoles are mainstream and PCs are not and there's a huge variation and amount of games in the PC market, so it's quite hard for specific titles on PC to reach multi million sales. I'd still say PC as a gaming platform is thriving, it easily outperforms any single console in profitability, and goes about equally compared to entire console market. The fairly new F2P and indies put a lot of life in PC gaming and I've never seen so many console gamers go PC gaming before. Sure there's still piracy, but which platform doesn't have it?I'd say PC has never been this good since mid 90's.
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yo_john117 posted 28/10/2011, 06:51
Rage is doing pretty solidly. I don't think it will end up selling as much as I though it would but it will still do quite well.
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/10/2011, 04:20
I love how PC gamers cherry pick the very few successful PC games and rub it in the face of console gamers. The Witcher 2 sells a million and PC gamers get an erection. Yet they ignore console games sell millions all the time. The PC is still very relevant in gaming, most notably online games. But lets not pretend the PC gaming is thriving outside of that.
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zingerman posted 27/10/2011, 07:43
haha, you're pathetic, why you so mad that PC is thriving, why so much insecurity? I love when people present you with facts about PC's dominaton, yet you deny it all claiming, it's a 'promotion', can you not realise how sad you sound, if someone is talking shit about PC it's true, but if something is said positive about PC it's all a conspiracy. And I wonder, what is there to promote for valve? Sales mean nothing to gamer's, so there's only publishers, but even then, what's there to promote if it isn't true? Again, you are falling deep into the hole you dig up, brah :)Oh and as I said before, Wticher 2 is a much lover budget, hyped, known game, versus RAGE, which has been hyped to hell, marketed to shit, and it barely got 1 mil on all platforms, just goes to show so such a small team of devs can get so successful just by making games exclusively for PC. I like where things are heading for PC gaming, how 'bout you? :)
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nilli posted 27/10/2011, 06:23
You do know that rage is a multiplatform game do you? 610K is not the only number they pulled. They have sold on 360 arleady as much on retail as witcher 2 did on pc retail. You can add to that the ps3 numbers and even the shitty pc numbers. So you really should STFU. Oh and eat the Valve bullshit up. You are a sad moron. Get this trhough your thick scull. THEY ARE PROMOTING THEIR SERVICE! Profits went five fold yeah sure what ever. They are talking complete bullshit.
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zingerman posted 26/10/2011, 05:32
haha nilli, you go girl, every word from you is worthy to be in the halls of fail and insecurity. I remember when witcher 2 in a few weeks reached half a mil, you screamed how it failed, and here you are claiming that 0.61 for such a high budget, long developed game is not poor, talk about double standars. I'm loving seeing you in despair while the PC is rising in popularity and profitability every day. Oh, did you heard the recent news from valve, the profits went fivefold for tf2 when they went free2play, despite of already selling millions on PC, talk about PC not bringing any money :D
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nilli posted 26/10/2011, 10:01
These sales are not poor. But canceling the pc release would have helped. Saved the money on development testing and especially support. Maybe cut the development time all to gether. That is true that many console games with pc ports do fine but those games could do even better, if the developers would cancel or delay the pc version. Just check what they did with batman. The developers know that pc bring is buys but it is also risky to release the game on the most pirated platform same time as on the others.
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/10/2011, 09:03
@ nilli - The sales thus far are respectable. Combined numbers are over a million by now. I doubt the PC release impacted console sales. Many console games with PC ports do fine.
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nilli posted 25/10/2011, 08:12
What killed the sales is the pc release. Torrented to hell and back and just endless crying in every forum how the port is not perfect etc... They should have calceled the pc release.
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kabelfritz posted 24/10/2011, 01:29
having no proper multilayer probably killed 50% of the sales. devbelopers make strage decisions nowadays
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nilli posted 24/10/2011, 12:36
Yep he does that because he can't afford games just like majority of the pc gamers. They play their console ports on their crappy pc's and are afraid how the developers give less and less about their platform with each passing year. ID software used to be pc exclusive developer and now they couldn't care less about pc gaming. Same with Crytek :D Hell even Valve is selling their games on consoles and talking about abandoning single player gaming. Why do you think that is :D
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Statix posted 24/10/2011, 11:48
@zingerman: Lol, why would we be mad that you're killing your own platform with piracy? Go ahead and keep downloading all your PC games for free, pirate.
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nilli posted 24/10/2011, 10:03
Sales are shit for ps3 exclusives :D how desperate are you good games sell. Socom 4 and resistance 3 are nothing special. Not to mention MAG is a shit game. Nobody wanted resistance 3. They are waiting games like Batman arkham city, Battlefield 3, skyrim, Assasins creed, Call of duty all those games will sell more on consoles. Only title that might come even close to the console numbers is Battlefield 3 because Dice does not know how to make games run nice on consoles and they have talked bullshit so long for all the idiot pc players.
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zingerman posted 22/10/2011, 01:51
also, even with the so called crappy ports 80 percent of the time the quality of the port is superior than the console version, 1600p resolution, AA, high res textures, better framerates and so on, oh and cheaper too( I mean free lol), you mad brooo?
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zingerman posted 22/10/2011, 01:37
Also, we pirate everything for free and still get these awesome games on PC, you still mad bro?
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zingerman posted 22/10/2011, 01:33
also, 76 metacritic on HoMM6 you still mad bro?
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zingerman posted 22/10/2011, 01:32
lol nilli, you mad bro? PC is on the rise, you still mad bro?
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nilli posted 22/10/2011, 11:12
Only reason you get to pirate those console ports for your pc is because 360 dvelopment is so freaking close to pc development. If it were not that there would not even be those shitty pc ports for you. Oh and Magekyou you smoked nothing. Pc is freaking done. It gets one exclusive game maybe a years that is worth even mentioning. Like starcraft 2 or diablo 3. Everything else you get are delayed console ports. Heroes of might and magic has turned to shit because the devs know they wont get their money back anymore from pc so they cut the costs.
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magekyou posted 22/10/2011, 05:28
Yo zingerman, dont even argue with that son of a bitch nilli, the dude is a PC hater HARDCORE cuz he cant fucking afford a good PC, just go read the deux ex PC wall, I smoked the son of a bitch with some sales number from fallout new vegas (Which pc gamers don't even like that much) and he still troll the PC. Let him rage, he can cry all he want, publishers will ALWAYS fucking release games on PC, because it doesnt cost them SHIT, and it sells.
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zingerman posted 21/10/2011, 03:58
If every single multiplatform game sold like shit, every single multiplatform game would not be released on PC, makes sense, no? You must understand that these multi million dollar gaming companies aren't as stupid as you, see, if they did not see profit opportunities, they wouln't spend so many resources to release a port on PC, would they? Again, what hardcore games are you talking about, because I've to see these hardcore games on consoles, only hardcore games are fighting games and even those find their way on PCs. Also, present proof that PC gamers pirate everything, I've seemed to miss the news on that matter. Thanks in advance.
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nilli posted 21/10/2011, 12:36
Zingerman I said every single multiplatform game sells like shit on pc. Even PC gaming alliance had to admit that it is not the hardcore crowd that brings money to pc devs. It is the casual shit. That is the future of pc if you can even call it that since desktops are vanishing as we speak. Those sell less and less and are replaced with notebooks, ipads and laptops (that are not powerful enough for the hardcore games). The multiplatform games on pc don't sell like shit just when you compare them to consoles. They sell like shit by any standard. Pc gamers are more casual and the hardcore pc gamers are not paying for games since they pirate everything.
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zingerman posted 21/10/2011, 11:32
If WoW is casual, then every single console game is casual, but anyways, I'm just responding to nilli's trolling, so I had to give him something, no? Also, yes, I overstated that consoles have only sequels, but the fact of the matter is, the industry is littered with sequels no matter what you say, even the sales figures show same old franchises being on top and that's kinda sad. It's a much safer bet to produce sequel after after sequel, you can deny that, but that is what sells most on consoles.
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Statix posted 21/10/2011, 06:53
@zingerman: What you're basically saying is that the PC userbase is mostly casual gamers that play stuff like Angry Birds and World of Warcraft. Also, making a generalization that "consoles only have sequels" is ludicrous and totally innaccurate, because you're neglecting the PSN and XBL stores that have tons of indie and smaller downloadable games coming out every day and week.
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zingerman posted 20/10/2011, 09:04
some games sell like shit on PC only compared to console sales, but that's only because there's only so many worthwhile game on consoles, where PC has virtaully uncountable ammount of games, social games, MMOs, indies, mods, simulators, you name it, on consoles, well, there's just sequels and japanese games, oh, and kinect :)
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nilli posted 20/10/2011, 11:30
You do know that nobody even wanted resistance? Nice how you find one game that sold bad on consoles or one that did decent numbers on pc and show how freaking stupid you are. Check every single multiplatform game. Sells like shit on pc. Wait for even Battlefield 3 will sell less on pc.
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yahoocom1984 posted 19/10/2011, 09:57
The sales still shit on PS3 exclusive resistance 3
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yahoocom1984 posted 19/10/2011, 09:57
The sales still shot on PS3 exclusive resistance 3
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nilli posted 18/10/2011, 11:45
Could have gotten better sales if they canceled the pc release. Just go see how the torrents are booming. Everybody here have consoles as well as pc's they pirate only on pc because it is so freaking easy.. Not to mention the game is shit on pc so now all those pirates are just trolling the game on every forum.
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Iveyboi posted 14/10/2011, 06:27
@Claymore..I have heard the same thing. @yahoo: You mad?
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masschamber posted 14/10/2011, 04:48
rise of the unreal engine popularity certainly hasn't done id any favors,, shame they couldn't have gotten this engine out, say 5 years ago
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masschamber posted 14/10/2011, 04:47
rise of
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foodfather posted 11/10/2011, 11:35
1st week is much like Brink. Unlike Brink however, this game is good so it should sell better in the long run. Competition form BF3 and MW3 will hurt its chances in the holidays though. Sales would end up much like Dead Island
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yahoocom1984 posted 10/10/2011, 09:28
Yeah, because you are a call-of-duty fag
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Claymore posted 10/10/2011, 08:59
Found it extremely boring after a few hours looks pretty but thats the only good thing I can say about it.
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LordMatrix posted 10/10/2011, 07:07
Your crazy Claymore! If you love good FPS gameplay than Rage is a must! This game will do fine.
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Claymore posted 09/10/2011, 02:19
MEH game don't think it'll do to well in the long run.
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candy2500 posted 05/10/2011, 07:39
nice game. kind of reminds me of Borderlands with the fun factor of Bulletstorm. i say Bulletstorm because just like it Rage never really takes itself seriously which is not a bad thing the game is very fun to play but don't expext some epic story driven game.
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yo_john117 posted 04/10/2011, 08:26
Rage = awesomeness!
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 09:16
I can't wait for this. Looks like Fallout 3 and Borderlands put together.
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yahoocom1984 posted 15/09/2011, 02:14
I predict 550K first week sales WW
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (57)

1 7,897 254,717 80,196 50,044 392,854
2 2,655 75,884 46,157 18,236 142,932
3 1,263 30,512 21,014 7,699 60,488
4 927 22,580 8,968 5,588 38,063
5 850 17,118 13,187 5,809 36,964
6 760 12,135 16,359 5,770 35,024
7 718 9,248 10,668 4,004 24,638
8 663 30,727 14,802 8,209 54,401
9 628 24,881 30,575 10,967 67,051
10 806 19,772 27,952 9,584 58,114
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busbfran posted 07/06/2013, 02:49
one of the best game ever made!
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thewastedyouth posted 04/04/2013, 05:40
It may be that all id Software got from Zenimax was...
( •_•)>⌐■-■

It's Doom.

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Mr Puggsly posted 18/03/2013, 03:51
I think this would have actually been a better game if they just focused on making a shooter. There should be no open world. Its empty and boring to explore. Car battling could have been levels and cutscenes could have been used to move the story along.

Basically, this would have made a great linear shooter like other id games.
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GERMANIA_FORMA posted 09/05/2012, 02:41
The only thing I don't like is the abrupt ending. Every other aspect of this game is just plain awesome. I rate it 9.5
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Emme posted 14/04/2012, 08:12
RAGE looks first real beautiful, then You discover that its very static and lifeless, with less than average action moments.The art direction and design is superb, but its more of a virtual walkthrough through that world, due to very rare and limited physics, baked lighting etc.
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