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id Software



Other Versions

PS3, X360

Release Dates

10/04/11 Bethesda Softworks
10/27/11 Square Enix
10/07/11 Bethesda Softworks

Community Stats

Owners: 25
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (27)

1 n/a 29,827 19,325 9,288 58,440
2 n/a 7,590 6,613 2,787 16,990
3 n/a 3,834 2,217 1,127 7,178
4 n/a 2,819 2,519 1,276 6,614
5 n/a 1,756 2,411 1,080 5,247
6 n/a 1,604 3,800 1,529 6,933
7 n/a 2,029 2,113 1,020 5,162
8 n/a 2,550 2,141 1,108 5,799
9 n/a 2,267 8,691 3,568 14,526
10 n/a 3,128 10,265 4,331 17,724
thewastedyouth posted 02/11/2012, 10:48
DAMN, holy crap Skyrim and DEUS EX have sold wayyyyyyy more on PC

id Software, how the mighty have fallen. Today they are just another studio owned by Zenimax!!!
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clos2 posted 10/12/2011, 04:44
haha nilli is so stupid, carmack already said doom 4 will be pc lead and you know why? cause he was stupid to belive hat consoles were ore powerful than pcs and never looked into the future. He wont be making tha tmistake agian, i can guarantee you. Nilli has gotten owned in every single aspect of his retarded arguments on every wall. He cant handle it. Just give up son, go play with your pad. Ive proven to you countless times that indie gaming does better on PC, that pc gaming is more than alive thanks to stea, DD, and developers that care. You sir, have nothing but a strawman arguemnt on piracy, which you continue to use as your main argument. What you dont realize is that we are still getting pc games and 2012 is gonna be even better for pc and you relaly think pc gaming is daying when 2011 and 2012 have only just been proof thats its only getting better, howeve you are too blind ad stupid to even admit that, instantly making all your arguments invalid cause you dont even have the facts straight, instead you opinionate and try ot make us believe your opijnions are facts, when in reality, theyre nothing else but trolling and made up facts about what YOU think and not about the reality of the market, which btw you CLEARLY know nothing of, otherwise you wouldnt be saying the stupid shit you say. You are stuck in 2001, sucks for you. Merry xmas from the PC community.
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led9010 posted 20/11/2011, 12:42
Haha Nilli, you talk as if either of the console versions sold well. It had sad numbers on the consoles as well.
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nilli posted 10/11/2011, 11:35
Doom 4 will never ever have pc as the lead. They are just talking so that little cry babies like yourself could sleep at night.
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Noodlefighter posted 04/11/2011, 12:41
Uh Yes I believe it and the crap you pulled out was from years ago and only till now they've brought it up again as an excuse for their mistakes on the PC version at launch. At E3 he specifically said that Doom 4 PC will be the lead. They've already sacrificed the 60fps they achieved with Rage for better visuals and more AI on screen with 30fps in singleplayer. That's already one of the signs. Neither do you have any idea what steam makes from games so I guess you should STFU up too :)
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nilli posted 02/11/2011, 07:05
Sales are terrible. Weaker with each passing year. PCs are being replaced as we speak.
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